Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM


500 Main Street,
Metuchen, NJ 08840

Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM


500 Main Street,
Metuchen, NJ 08840

Strengthening Families Program

A message from CARES . . .
The middle school years are a time of change for children and families. It is natural for tweens and early teens to begin to develop their own identities and to foster new friendships with others. One of the best ways to ensure healthy development and independence, yet preserve connections with family and family values, is through communication.

Metuchen CARES is offering a free program, run by Wellspring Prevention  that focuses on the middle school years and the importance of communication.

The Strengthening Families Program is open to all children 10-14 years old and their families; babysitting is provided for younger children. It is a 7 week, evidence-based course that includes dinner, discussion, and activities. (See the attached flyer for weekly themes and for more information.) Wellspring is hoping to start the program in Metuchen  by mid to late October. Interested parties should call early with questions.

Flyer for Strengthening Families Weekly Agenda. CLICK HERE for PDF Version.